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Senior Certificate

School leavers certificate for South Africans with a high-school education at the Grade 12 and NQF 4 level, known as Matric.

National Senior Certificate (NSC)

NSC is a Senior Certificate for South Africans with a high-school education, known as Matric. It is acquired by school going young people in the age group younger than 21 years of age who have done a School Based Assessment (SBA) through formal invigilated assessments in addition to writing the formal National exams.

Amended Senior Certificate (ASC)

ASC is a Senior Certificate for South Africans with a high-school education, known as Matric, acquired by adults being 21 years of age or older. It's not required to have aSchool Based Assessment (SBA), but the Learner must have passed Grade 11.

School Based Assessment (SBA)
SBA is the process of gathering valid and reliable information, by the teacher in the classroom, about the performance of the learner on an on-going basis against clearly defined criteria, using a variety of methods, tools, techniques and contexts. Our NSC programmes ensures the establishment of an SBA.

Financial Accounting 1

Financial Accounting 1

Financial Accounting 1

The programme provides an objective understanding of controllable factors in a company’s operations which are key to strategic decision making and daily operational control. It will also benefit students who wish to develop their ability within a financial, human resources and marketing environment and/or enhance their financial management experience. To be successful in this field, attention to detail, the ability to analyse, process data timeously and accurately are highly valued and regarded as critical. This programme is a perfect springboard into the exciting world of finance, accounting, human resources, public relations and marketing.

The aim of this programme is to respond by providing students with a range of relevant and essential business and financial/accounting skills that will increase opportunities for their successful contribution to, and growth in, the business environment. This programme is directed at persons with some foundational management knowledge and work experience, who would like to expand their management competencies in key areas of general management and related disciplines such as marketing, finance, public relations and the management of human resources. In addition, it will be of benefit to individuals who intend starting and growing their own businesses and who understand that general management skills form an integral part of any successful and sustainable business.

  • Brand Lyceum Online
Financial Accounting 1

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