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Senior Certificate

School leavers certificate for South Africans with a high-school education at the Grade 12 and NQF 4 level, known as Matric.

National Senior Certificate (NSC)

NSC is a Senior Certificate for South Africans with a high-school education, known as Matric. It is acquired by school going young people in the age group younger than 21 years of age who have done a School Based Assessment (SBA) through formal invigilated assessments in addition to writing the formal National exams.

Amended Senior Certificate (ASC)

ASC is a Senior Certificate for South Africans with a high-school education, known as Matric, acquired by adults being 21 years of age or older. It's not required to have aSchool Based Assessment (SBA), but the Learner must have passed Grade 11.

School Based Assessment (SBA)
SBA is the process of gathering valid and reliable information, by the teacher in the classroom, about the performance of the learner on an on-going basis against clearly defined criteria, using a variety of methods, tools, techniques and contexts. Our NSC programmes ensures the establishment of an SBA.

Ethical Decision Maker’s Mastery Package

Ethical Decision Maker’s Mastery Package
    • 1
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    R9 500

    Ethical Decision Maker’s Mastery Package

    Value Proposition

    The Ethical Decision Maker’s Mastery Package is the ultimate offering for individuals or organizations committed to achieving the highest level of ethical decision-making proficiency. This comprehensive package includes all three courses, culminating in the Ethical Lens Exercises, designed to master practical decision models through real-world application. Note that buying this course, purchases the full package on offer for EthicsGame.

    Note to Customers: When choosing a package, consider your current level of ethical understanding and your aspirations in ethical decision-making. Each package builds upon the previous, offering a structured path to ethical proficiency. Be mindful of your initial choice, as subsequent packages include components from earlier stages, designed to reinforce and expand your ethical competencies.

    Ethical Decsion Maker's Constituent Course:

    • Ethical Lens Inventory: A personal assessment tool that delves into the values influencing decision-making processes. It reveals how individuals prioritise values in ethical situations, aiming to minimise conflict and enhance decision-making with integrity. The ELI uses 36 pairs of statements to identify a person's primary ethical lens, offering insights into their decision-making priorities, whether they focus on outcomes, duties, community relationships, or character.
    • Hot Topic Simulations: Engaging simulations that present participants with real-life ethical dilemmas, from investor fraud to false advertising. These scenarios teach ethical principles, stakeholder theory, and the Baird Decision Model, challenging students to defend their decisions and articulate their ethical values through comprehensive assignments.
    • Ethical Lens Exercises: Exercises that build on the dilemmas presented in the Hot Topic Simulations, guiding participants through a series of decision-making tasks from multiple ethical perspectives. These exercises deepen the understanding of personal values and their impact on ethical decisions, reinforcing the practical application of ethical theories.

    Methodology and Learning Outcomes: This package offers a progressive learning path from personal ethical awareness through the ELI, practical application in the Hot Topic Simulations, to mastering ethical decision-making with the Ethical Lens Exercises. Participants develop a nuanced understanding of ethical dilemmas, stakeholder considerations, and decision-making frameworks, ensuring comprehensive ethical proficiency.

    Evaluation and Goals: The Mastery Package is designed to produce ethical leaders capable of navigating complex ethical landscapes with confidence and integrity. The robust assessment framework tracks learning outcomes across critical thinking, ethical awareness, and decision-making skills, meeting the highest standards of academic and corporate accreditation.

    • Duration 1
    • Deposit 950
      Ethical Decision Maker’s Mastery Package
      R9 500

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