School leavers certificate for South Africans with a high-school education at the Grade 12 and NQF 4 level, known as Matric.
Teaching Remedial Learning Support
Teaching Remedial Learning Support
[html]<p>As remedial learning support is such an underdeveloped field in South Africa still, there is a need for exploration and understanding of some of the basic concepts of remedial learning support required for students with learning barriers, to achieve the national measurements and standards of South African regulation.</p><p>The purpose of this course is to increase awareness, knowledge and understanding amongst educators, parents and caregivers, concerning the different developmental, behavioural and environmental learning barriers in early childhood, and in the foundation phase. Furthermore, the purpose of the course is to provide a basic understanding of the nature of remedial learning support and its practical application to the learning situation and classroom setting.</p>
- Duration 9
- Deposit 0